Annette Kellerman - an Australian swimmer who promoted WOMEN'S RIGHT to wear a fitted one-piece bathing suit was arrested in 1907 Revere Beach, Massachusetts for wearing a ONE PIECE SUIT AT THE BEACH . . She was arrested for *indecency*
The Dawn Newspaper : [The Dawn, Issue 54. -] said :
" In 1907, at the height of her popularity, Kellerman was arrested on a Boston beach for indecency - she was wearing one of her fitted one-piece costumes which, at the time, was considered simply scandalous! The resulting newspaper headlines and outpouring of public indignation were a death-knell for Victorian attitudes towards women's swimwear." End Quote
With secular laws, what was indecent yesterday became bravo today ! but with divine law, what was indecent yesterday, can never become bravo today !