Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Woman's Right to bear a child and pleasure

It was related by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Majah on the authority of `Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) forbade the practice of coitus interruptus (Withdrawing the penis before ejaculation or withdrawing the penis at all) with a free woman, except with her permission (so as to give her the right to enjoy and the right to bear a child)

[Ref: Ahmad Vol.1 Pg. 31, Ibn Majah Vol.1 Pg. 620 no. 1928, Al Fasawy, Al Ma'rifah wa Al Tarikh Vol.1 , Pg. 385, Verified : Akram Diya' Al-'Umary, Al Bayhaqi Vol. 7, pg 231 ] 

It is not hidden that in the Islamic law, it is not optional but rather a RIGHT of a woman to bear children with her husband and to enjoy his company. If a husband cannot fulfil these rights of a woman, she is eligible and has all the legal right to divorce him. This is the importance given to women and their needs in Islam

See this for more islamic textual proof :