- (روى عن على: " لكل مطلقة متاع " ) .
أخرجه ابن المنذر عنه بلفظ: " لكل مؤمنة طلقت حرة أو أمة متعة , وقرأ: (وللمطلقات متاع بالمعروف , حقا على المتقين) ".
ذكره فى " الدر المنثور " (1/310) قال: " وأخرج مالك وعبد الرزاق والشافعى وعبد بن حميد والنحاس فى " ناسخه " وابن المنذر والبيهقى عن ابن عمر قال: " لكل مطلقة متعة , إلا التى يطلقها , ولم يدخل بها , وقد فرض لها , كفى بالنصف متاعا ".
قلت: وهو فى " الموطأ " (2/573/45) وعنه الشافعى وعنه البيهقى (7/257) عن نافع عن ابن عمر.
وهذا إسناد صحيح.
It has been from `Ali (the cousin of the Messenger of Allah and Islam's 4th Khaleefah that): “Every divorced woman should be given divorce benefit.”
[ Ref: See Irwa ul-Ghaleel 1941]
- (قال ابن عباس: " أعلى المتعة خادم ثم دون ذلك النفقة ثم دون ذلك الكسوة ".
Ibn Abbaas (another cousin of the Messenger of Allah) said: “The best of the benefits (given to the divorcee), is to give her a slave (so as to help and assist her), then less than that is to give living expenses (until she remarries or settles down properly) and less than that (giving expenses) is to give a (good beautiful) garment.”
[Ref: Ibn Abi Shaybah (7/116/2); See Irwa ul-Ghaleel (1942) Saheeh]
Compare this to the modern day western law. Or just compare when did the west even grant the female gender this much respect? Not long ago, not more than 50 years approx.
Did u know that a Christian is not permitted to divorce except on the grounds of adultery
Matthew 5:32
Did u know that a Christian is not permitted to divorce except on the grounds of adultery
Matthew 5:32