Imam Bukhaari rahimahullah titled on of this chapters in his saheeh called as : " knowledge precedes action"
The Jaahil Who Speaks Without Knowledge
Shaikh ’Uthaimeen, may Allaah have mercy on him, said, “The greatest
calamity is from an ignorant person who has compound ignorance, who argues with
you without knowledge, speaks without knowledge, speaks to the common folk
without knowledge, speaks to the scholars without knowledge and in an
argumentative manner, and when you discuss something with him, he is the most
ignorant of Allaah’s slaves.”
Sharh al-Kaafiyah ash-Shaafiyah, vol. 1, p. 182.
Ibn Taymiyyah
explains why modern day orators and Comparative religious speakers among the
Muslims end up getting chocked
Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said:
Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said:
”Refutation against the people of falsehood cannot be comprehensive except when it is in agreement with the (Authentic) Sunnah from EVERY ANGLE [1]. And if not, the one who conforms to the (Authentic) Sunnah in a particular angle and opposes it from another angle, then those arguing against him will strive (to gain something) from that angle in which he opposed the (authentic) Sunnah, and they will use it as evidence to prove what is in agreement with what they are upon (of falsehood) from those arguments that are in opposition to the (authentic) Sunnah.”
[Ref :6/210- درء تعارض العقل والنقل 211]
[1] This means in every argument of his, whether he uses logic or other than logic, his speech should be in conformity with the Qur`an and sunnah. If he explains something or answers a doubt with an answer that opposes the islamic shar`iah then they will use it against him, where they could be the Islamic scholars or non Muslims
Shaykh Muhammad
Nasir al-Din al-Albani:
"When I adopted these principles for myself, i.e. to adhere to the authentic Sunnah, and to implement them in this book as well as others, I knew for sure that this would not satisfy every group of people or sect; in fact, it would result in some, if not most of them, insulting or criticising me. This does not matter to me, for I also know that to please everyone is an unattainble notion."
(The Prophet's Prayer Described pg 6-7)
"When I adopted these principles for myself, i.e. to adhere to the authentic Sunnah, and to implement them in this book as well as others, I knew for sure that this would not satisfy every group of people or sect; in fact, it would result in some, if not most of them, insulting or criticising me. This does not matter to me, for I also know that to please everyone is an unattainble notion."
(The Prophet's Prayer Described pg 6-7)
عَنْ شَقِيقٍ قَالَ
قَالَ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ كَيْفَ أَنْتُمْ إِذَا لَبِسَتْكُمْ فِتْنَةٌ يَهْرَمُ فِيهَا
الْكَبِيرُ وَيَرْبُو فِيهَا الصَّغِيرُ وَيَتَّخِذُهَا النَّاسُ سُنَّةً فَإِذَا غُيِّرَتْ
قَالُوا غُيِّرَتْ السُّنَّةُ قَالُوا وَمَتَى ذَلِكَ يَا أَبَا عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ
قَالَ إِذَا كَثُرَتْ قُرَّاؤُكُمْ وَقَلَّتْ فُقَهَاؤُكُمْ وَكَثُرَتْ أُمَرَاؤُكُمْ
وَقَلَّتْ أُمَنَاؤُكُمْ وَالْتُمِسَتْ الدُّنْيَا بِعَمَلِ الْآخِرَةِ
185 سنن الدارمي الْمُقَدِّمَةُ
كيف أنتم إذا لبستكم فتنة يهرم فيها الكبير ويربو فيها الصغير ويتخذها الناس سنة
المحدث المنذري
خلاصة حكم المحدث إسناده صحيح أو حسن أو ما قاربهما
Shaqiq reported: Abdullah ibn Mas’ud said, “How will you be when
you are afflicted with trials that make the young grow old and the old grow
senile? [1] And the people take the prophetic tradition and say it has been
changed?” They said, “O Abu Abdur Rahman, when will this be?” Ibn Mas’ud said,
“It will be when you have many reciters but few people of understanding, many
leaders but few of them trustworthy, and the world is sought by the deeds of
the Hereafter.”
[Ref: Sunan Ad-Darimi 185; Sahih
(authentic) according to Al-Mundhiri]
[1] Meaning the young people are taken to be wise, correct and awesome whereas the actual scholars, whose hair have turned grey seeking knowledge, teaching, debating and learning are called as fools who don't have any wisdom or knowledge. e.g see our youth in 2014
Shaykh saalih Al-Fawzaan said:
"The presence of intellectuals and passionate speakers are not a substitute for the scholars in the ummah. Such people are only well read individuals; they are not scholars with understanding. Therefore, applying the term 'scholars' to them is applying a term in other than its proper place. Consideration is given to the facts and not to ascriptions. So many times you will find people that have good speech and incite the masses, yet they do not posses (true) understanding (of the religion). The thing that exposes these people is when an incident occurs due to which the people need to know the religious ruling for that matter, since (at this time) the speakers and zealots reveal the limitations of their understanding. It is at this point that the role of the scholars comes in. So let us take note of this and give our scholars their right, acknowledge their status and virtue, and give everyone of them the position they deserve."
[Wujoob at-Tathabbut fil-Akhbaar wa Ihtiraam-il-'Ulamaa: pg. 50]
The Salaf of this Ummah used to give precedence to the elders and more knowledgeable Scholars over the younger mashayikh, even though in both there is virtue. Shaikh al-Fawzaan mentions in his article entitled, "Fi fadhil-'Ulamaa al-'Aamileen wal-Haththi 'alat-Ta'allum minhum" (The Excellence of the Scholars who Act, and Encouragement to Learn From Them) the statement of Abdullaah bin Mas'ood (radhi Allaahu 'anhu) who stated:
"The people will not cease to be upon goodness so long as they take knowledge from their Scholars, their greater ones and their elders. So when they take knowledge from their young ones and their foolish ones, they are destroyed."
[Reported by Ibn Mandah in the Musnad of Ibraaheem bin Adham, pg. 34]
Al-'Allaamah al-Fawzaan also mentioned the statement of Allaah's Messenger (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) in which he said:
روى الإمام عبدالله بن المبارك بسنده عن أبي أمية الجمحي رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال:
إن من أشراط الساعة ثلاثا: إحداهن أن يلتمس العلم عند الأصاغر
Indeed from the signs of the Hour is that knowledge will be taken from the younger/lesser ones."
[Reported by at-Tabaraanee in al-Kabeer (22/362), and declared authentic by al-Albaanee in as-Saheehah (695) and Saheeh al-Jaami' (2207)]
The noble Scholar, Abdus-Salaam bin Barjis Al Abdul-Kareem (rahimahullaah) stated in his excellent treatise entitled, "Awaa'iqut-Talab", that the people of knowledge differed regarding the explanation of the term 'sighaar'* (younger ones) in these narrations. And the sayings have been mentioned by Ibn Abdil-Barr in "al-Jaami'" (1/157) and Imaam ash-Shaatibee in "al-I'tisaam" (2/93). Then he mentions that Ibn Qutaibah (rahimahullaah) proceeded upon the position that the term "sighaar" refers to those young in years, so Ibn Qutaibah (rahimahullaah) said regarding the saying of Ibn Mas'ood (radhi Allaahu 'anhu):
"He intends that the people will not cease to be upon goodness so long as their 'ulamah are the elders (in age), and their 'ulamah are not young ones. This is because the delights and treats of youth have left the elderly one; and likewise have left him his hotness or anger, his hastiness, his foolishness; and he is now (in old age) accompanied by experience, practice and expertise. Doubts do not enter his knowledge, and he is not overcome by desire. He does not incline towards greed or covetousness, and he is not fooled by the Shaitaan as he fools the young one. And with years comes dignity, sobriety, reverence, awe and prestige.
It is possible that these (blameworthy) affairs can come upon a younger person that the elder one is secure from, so if they enter upon him and he delivers fatwa, then he ruins others and destroys himself."
Also see : Warning from self interpretation of qur`an and hadeeth