The following is extracted from a facebook status of a brother whose name will not be disclosed for security reasons as we don't want us to be the cause of any inconvenience to him. He put these up as a status message against the western islamaphobics who happen to once again attack Islam and Muslims due to their capital punishment law (which by the way is something all Abrahamic religion share yet the bigotry is only against Muslims)
Western culture, part of their heritage, to an extent that they turned their history (and fairy tales) into idols and statues, this is how proud they are of their forefathers, nothing to be shamed about according to them, just Muslims have to be ashamed of their history an capital punishments [in the Shari'ah] and so on ...
Here a picture of the statue of Perseus the semi-naked pagan decapitated Medusa, in the heartland of Europe, Paris/France.

Fancy something more bizarre? Here a catholic looking nun,called Judith! They are so proud of here in Italy (Florence,), they dedicated a statue in her remembrance. This woman who is just about to commit alleged 'Muslim' like barbarity is ironically considered the symbol of liberty, virtue and victory of the weak over the strong in a just cause. She stands powerful with raised sword, holding the head of the tyrant Holofernes ( an invading general of Nebuchadnezzar) by his hair

More "barbarity" displayed on Europe's streets (all pictures taken from a photographer, however he did not put the location of the statues, but most of them if not all are from Europe):