Friday, October 17, 2014


The people who cherish and advocate for things like democracy and freedom of this and that often fail to realize the contradiction they exhibit. 

At one point they fight for freedom of expression, and at the other they also abide by certain laws or rules restricting their expression such as expressions of instigating against the government or expression of exposing national secrets or most commonly expressions against homosexuality and gender unification. 

So isn't this biased if not bizarre in the very least?  This contradiction is so "Apparent" to the sane minds yet averse and hidden from those upon whose heart Allah has placed a covering. 

How do you advocate for total freedom yet put a man behind bars for hitting someone exercising his freedom? or parking in front of a private property's main gate ? 

Islam has a different view of what people call as Freedom ! This short and concise article would serve as a reminder to the Muslims and an answer to the Non Muslims who cherish their man made ideas which - as history or time has and still is witnessing - changes every now and then often expressing the flaws or faults either in the current laws or the previous man made ones. 

Allah says : And if the Truth had followed their desires, verily the heavens and the earth and whosoever is therein had been corrupted. Nay, We have brought them their Reminder, but from their Reminder they now turn away. [Qur`an 23:71]

Mujahid, Abu Salih and As-Suddi said, "Al-Haqq is Allah, may He be glorified.'' What is meant by the Ayah is that if Allah had responded to the desires in their hearts and prescribed things accordingly, the heavens and the earth and whosoever is therein, would have been corrupted, i.e., because of their corrupt and inconsistent desires. 

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullah said it so beautifully and concisely : 

Islam does not restrict freedom, but it is rather a means to regulate and channel it in the right way, such that the freedom of one person does not clash with the freedom of another person [1] . This is what occurs when freedom is granted without boundaries, because any person who desires absolute freedom without any boundaries will inevitably fulfil this at the expense of other people’s freedom [2] . As a result of this discord occurs when people’s freedom clashes, chaos spreads and corruption sets in. it is for this reason that Allah named the injunctions of the religion (which are called as) : “hudood (limits)” 

[Ref: Min Mushkilaat ash-shabaab, page 21-25; Daar al-Manaar] 

[1] E.g : I want the freedom to park my car right at your door gate , but you want the freedom to keep your entrance empty 

[2] E.g I  want the freedom to roam around naked and to facilitate that I pass a bill banning Hijaab in my nation  

Imaam Qurtubi rahimahullah explains the verse " but if the the truth had followed their inclinations" brilliantly ! 

وقيل: {لَوِ اتَّبَعَ الْحَقُّ أَهْواءَهُمْ} أي بما يهواه الناس ويشتهونه لبطل نظام العالم، لان شهوات الناس تختلف وتتضاد، وسبيل الحق أن يكون متبوعا، وسبيل الناس الانقياد للحق.

And it is said, “But if the Truth had followed their inclinations” – meaning, according to mankind desires and cravings, then the system of the world would be abolished, because the desires of mankind are in contradiction and mutual opposition. But the path of Truth is to be followed, while the path of mankind is at odds with the Truth.(except whom Allah guides)

Definition: What is Freedom? 

-The word freedom needs defining, because people differ in their understanding of it. There was a point in time where the Arab used freedom to mean ‘good manners’ but today the definition is extremely clouded, and the word is now being used by the pious and the wretched a like, with different intent. The word freedom is used to defend the truth and at the same time to promote falseness. 

-Freedom is often used to promote the permitted following of peoples desires. The extravagant will say, “I am free to do as I please with me wealth”, and the homosexual will say, “I am free to do as I please with my sexuality”, and so on. So we can see that this word is being used extensively to promote confusion and ambiguity. 

-From the biggest types of Fitnah (tests and trials) that the idea of freedom creates is that the truth becomes evaded. Those who divert from the truth are quick to cry out that they are free and that they are merely expressing their right of freedom.

-From the biggest forms of corrupt freedom is the way of the communists, who claim that we are all equal and that humans have no need for a god.  

-From the Fitnah in contemporary times of freedom, that has trickled down to the common person, is that they claim there are free to do as they please. So Waajib and Haraam has no impact anymore because they are not bound to follow them in their idea of freedom. 

So is it correct to state that humans are free to do as they please? They can opt to do or not do. They have no authority over them and there are no consequences for their actions? Is it correct to claim freedom whilst our desires dictate what is right from what is wrong? Does our freedom absolve us from responsibilities of our actions? If everyone was free, how would society survive? 

-Much of the problems we face today and the lack of security and trustworthiness we see in society stems from the understanding and principles attached to the idea of freedom.

-In Islaam, there are two main (innovated) schools of thought on the matter of freedom. Firstly, we have the Mu’tazilahwho claim absolute freedom for the slave. They are free to do and think as they like as long as it does not contradict intellect, divine mercy and wisdom. So they express complete freedom, for humans and jinn alike, based on this condition. 

-The second group claims that all freedom for the slave without any restriction (unlike the Mu’tazilah who restrict it to intellect, mercy and wisdom). By this they absolve all forms of value for the truth and the true religion. With this idea, there is no difference if one worships ar-Rahmaan, the true Lord, or a stone or an idol or even the Shaytaan himself. The slave, according to them, is allowed and permitted to do as they please without limits. In regards to good manners, they benchmark their manners in whatever brings benefit, whether Islaam encourages it or not. 


Source : Shaykh Saaleh as-Sindee [May Allaah Preserve him] | Teacher in the Islaamic University, al-Madeenah an-Nabawiyyah- Lecture given at Jaami’ Imaam Turkee, ar-Riyaadh 29/10/1434 , Maktabah Salafiyyah

Besides there being a strong correlation between homosexuality and diseases such as HIV and AIDS, scientific research connects a range of others diseases which effect those with this sexual orientation. Kazal. HL, Sohn. N, Carrasco. JI, Robilotti. JG, Delaney. WE in 1979 researched colonic and rectal trends of over two hundred gay males and discovered a clinic-pathologic correlation, calling it Gay Bowel Syndrome. Others, such as Owen, WF. JR. in 1980 found traumatic problems in homosexual males. Whilst Ponseti. J, Siebner. HR, Kloppel. S, Wolff. S, Granert. O et al in 2007 found that homosexual women and women were deficient in grey and white matter respectively.  What this means is that they have a neurological deficiency in coordination between cells, which could result to diseases such as Dementia or Alzheimer’s.  

A deviant sect that bases its understanding and sourcing of al-Islaam on philosophy and intellect [See: al-Mawsoo’ah al-Muyassarah fee al-Adyaan wa al-Ahzaab al-Mu’aasrah (1/64)].    


1) Florida man demands right to wed computer

Man sues for the right to marry his porn-laden Macbook, arguing that if gays are allowed to marry then so should other sexual minorities

2) Bestiality (torturing animals by involving in sexual pleasures with them) brothels are 'spreading through Germany

3) rights to abuse small children . paedophilia is natural it seems

The list goes on and on . 

There is no FREEDOM in : 

1) using your own property as per your legal and normal wish if it opposes the government's rules

See: Couple heavily fined for refusing a lesbian couple to use their property for their wedding. : 

Conclusion : 

Allah says : "Most of them are averse to the truth..." [Qur`an]